First Paintings on Canvas
After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Praha, a couple of friends and I turned an old electricity factory called Trafačka into a studio. The space also had the perfect dimensions for a gallery, so after a few small renovations we reopened it as such.
Until then I didn’t care about the gallery world at all, however, the situation had changed and I had to figure out what I should exhibit in the gallery we built. There was this impulse to try to paint on canvas which became a very challenging task since its sizes are so much smaller than painting outside walls. Also, the blank canvas is so disconnected from its surroundings that it made me fear to even do the first line on it. If you paint on walls there is always something that invites you to “continue” the life of the wall – it is never empty, there is always another mark, even if it’s a crack, dirt, window, or tv cable.
So in my 30’s I started to learn to paint on canvas. This series is my first attempt on how to work on a new medium – blank canvas. The theme of the paintings are the 5 letters POINT; styled cubically to be seen from all angles. They allowed me to build up compositions similar as I did in wood which I call 3D graffiti. But painting allowed me to focus on the intersections. Play with colors and discover new shapes. This was the gate for me where I entered pure abstraction.

Untitled, 2008
spaypaint and acrylic on 4 canvases, 205 x 205 cm

Untitled, 2008
spaypaint and acrylic on canvas, 40 x 80 cm
spaypaint and acrylic on canvas, 40 x 80 cm
Untitled, 2008
spaypaint and acrylic on 3 canvases, 140 x 200 cm
Untitled, 2008
spaypaint and acrylic on 2 canvases, 220 x 250