Protones and Neutrones
I’m back using the circular cutter and cutting canvases again, though this time, instead of using the outside pieces of the canvas, which I did in my “Cut Through Paintings” series, I’m keeping the cut out circles. I painted the circles to look like a sphere with depth and dimension, then glued them on a wooden panel to create different compositions. The main inspiration for this series were schematic drawings of atoms, depicting energy and attractions from protons and neutrons to a nucleus. Every one of the circles are drawn in different colors, so it’s a play between two opposites. Funny enough, these pieces remind me of grapes.

Nucleon n.123120, 2022
Acrylic on canvas collage on wooden panel, 123 x 120 cm

Nucleon n.123120, 2022
Acrylic on canvas collage on wooden panel, 123 x 120 cm

working with circular cutter

gluing the canvas to the wood panel

Nucleon n.2425, 2022
Acrylic on canvas collage on wooden panel, 24 x 25 cm
1 / 6

Nucleon n.3840, 2022
Acrylic on canvas collage on wooden panel, 38 x 40 cm

Nucleon n.3840, 2022
Acrylic on canvas collage on wooden panel, 38 x 40 cm