Lockdown Serie
This series was created during the lockdown of 2020. The shapes are the same as in the “Bubble Clouds” series. This was my way of returning to rectangular paintings. Creating a structure that is not determined by the shape of a canvas, though more so, the repetition of one form and evolving into another one, essentially, making a life of its own. These paintings were done by spraying layers over layers of transparent paint. Each layer is a bubble cloud masked out and filled with transparent paint. Adding these clouds on top of each other created various and unpredictable shapes. The painting is monochromatic and only by carefully dissecting the piece can one notice the subtle multilayers of colors and the various shapes that live within.

Geen Blue Foam Structure, 2020
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 120 cm

Geen Blue Foam Structure, 2020
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 120 cm

Carmine Foam Structure, 2020
acrylic on canvas, Ø 150 cm

Foam Structure (Magenta)
acrylic on canvas, Ø 60 cm
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Boredeaux Foam Structure
acrylic on canvas, 150 x 200 cm
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