Exhibition and Release of the book "Point Of Space"
The 40-year-old lifetime milestone led Jan Kaláb, a painter, sculptor and nowadays just an occasional graffiti writer and muralist, to decide to publish his first monograph, which was created in cooperation with journalist and theorist Petr Volf and graphic designer Jan Novák. On the 320 pages of a narrative publication, which was released at the opening of the Trafo Gallery on October 1st, you will find the first piecy, trains, wallpapers, a number of recordings from foreign public spaces, a selection of distinctive works from different periods of time with commentary, and a comprehensive interview, which sums up Kaláb’s life approach, enthusiasm and joy of creative work and your life.
“It’s happened to me a few times that I felt absolute happiness while working, that I’m at the source – the well – of inspiration and I know exactly what I’m doing. Sometimes it comes just before the final brush stroke that brings to completion a work that I know means a step forward in my practice and surpasses my own expectations of what I can accomplish.” – Jan Kaláb
„Point of Space is an artist monograph and the first comprehensive survey of the work of Jan Kaláb, a leading graffiti and street artist (known primarily as Cakes and Point), as well as an original painter and sculptor. In its more than more than three hundred and fifty pages, the book presents the artist’s extensive oeuvre from 1993 to 2018: walls, trains, three-dimensional graffiti, pavement paintings, murals, paintings on canvas, sculptures, installations… At the same time, it shows many different cities in Europe and the US from rarely seen angles and in unexpected contexts. The monograph maps Kaláb’s investigations of space as well as the enormous artistic commitment behind his innovative work that eliminates the boundaries between different art genres. “Above all, it testifies to the artist’s yearning and search for visual harmony and perfection.” – Petr Volf, art critic and writer, author of the text.

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Point of Space, glass