About the show
The collaboration between Openspace Gallery and Jan Kaláb has been established in 2014 with for The Children of Kupka curated by the gallery for the city of Puteaux. Jan Kaláb’s different pieces and installations were connecting with those of the Czech pionneer of abstract art František Kupka who lived the second half of his life in Puteaux. In 2016, Openspace Gallery invited Jan Kaláb for his very first solo show in France. Jan Kaláb reveals here the extent of his technical mastery and the wealth of his universe.
The Pluriforme exhibition is the opportunity to discover his three-dimensional work with some multispherical sculptures, standing and hanging. The exhibition also presents three series of works representative of his intense research on the medium of canvas. According to historiography, canvases are no longer mere paintable surfaces but real windows on the artist’s soul, while sometime reflecting his own image back to the viewer. Beyond his aesthetical and technical research influenced by František Kupka’s legacy, Jan Kaláb’s real pictorial ambition and critical thinking undoubtedly makes him a meaningful actor of the history of 21st century abstract art.

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